
Trust Exercise

As an individual who has faced many challenges through out life trust can be hard to muster at times. Fear, indecision, and worry quickly flood the mind when asked to trust. I have learned that in order to trust one must have faith and surrender. That is a lot to ask for at times!

I recently did one of those trust exercises where you fall and the other person catches you. Easy, totally not complicated, right? Not so much! You would not believe how afraid I was in that moment! So, I prayed and quick as lightning I got a response. “Do you trust them?” I took a deep breath and I had my answer. Yes, yes I do. So, I took another deep breath, closed my eyes, let go, and fell. Only a brief exercise and yet the mental challenge I faced in those few seconds was insurmountable and yet when I asked in my heart if I would trust the answer was a resounding, “yes.”

When publishing this blog every article has been like a trust exercise. I feel so vulnerable and exposed when sharing my heart for the world to see. I fear that perhaps my message will not be seen or worse yet for it to be misunderstood. Doubt will cloud my mind, “What if I don’t reach my target audience? What if I DO and it is not well received?!” It’s enough to make one pause before hitting the “publish” button that’s for certain!

These thoughts ran trough my head heavily yesterday. I was pretty distraught, afraid that I might be “too much”. I have heard that phrase a lot through out my life. But I am reminded that I was made to be bold, brave, and vibrant. I will not be ashamed of how bright the light within me shines. I will burn bright as a phoenix rising.

And so I release these self defeating thoughts as I surrender and have faith that I am being divinely guided and protected. I am in the process of overcoming my fears, burning with renewed faith and conviction that I am on the right path. I release the need to know the outcome before I act. I trust the process.

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