I am not sure if you knew this about me but, I’m a keeper!
I started my beekeeping journey during the first fall I spent in Missouri, when I saw a Facebook post to sign up for spring time nucs. I figured I would inquire about it and down the rabbit hole I went! Suddenly, we were investing into bee houses, bee keeping equipment, and signing up for bee school (it’s a thing!).

I spent my winter learning what I could by reading books and researching online. I quickly learned that this really only scratched the surface of what’s needed to be known with bee keeping. Two years in and I am still experiencing many firsts. One of which I experienced today!
Today was my first extraction day!!!
I had originally planned to be out of town today however, once I learned that the bee club was hosting it’s annual honey extraction extravaganza I had to shift my focus.
This morning I pulled out 10 frames laden with honey. I was pretty bummed that I only had 10 but it turns out that it’s a decent haul for your first harvest. I brought them in to town where one of my mentors has a shop. There were multiple extractors running and so much honey, it smelled divine! Many people had gathered together to share the use of the equipment. I am so glad I went today, it was so lively and I learned so so SO much!
When all was said and done I came home with approximately 30 pounds of honey, which filled half of a 5 gallon bucket. I have some more honey in my hives that I couldn’t get out today and this experience today makes me think I need to find a way to extract some more before the seasons end.
How about you? Do you have an interest or experience in bee keeping? It’s pretty rewarding! You can always find a local bee keeper that would love showing you their bees if you’re interested and want to learn more!

OMG BEES!!! Do you ever get stung?
HA! Yes, I did get a small sting when doing this but that’s been the only one in the past two years. The only time I’ve been stung is when I am accidently crushing them to death and I think that’s a legitimate time to do so! My honey bees are really so calm and docile. I had no idea how sweet bees were until I started beekeeping! Must be all that honey.